Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I order from
  1. To order, simply navigate from the top menu to find the items you would like to purchase
  2. Click “add to cart”
  3. Mouse over the Cart icon in the top right of the page and click “checkout”
  4. Fill out your details.  You will need to create an account – you will then be able to log in to track your order(s) afterwards
  5. Make payment using one of the accepted methods
  • What methods of payment do you accept?

We accept PayPal payments which are fast, easy and secure.  You can also pay using your credit or debit card. All major cards are accepted.  We also accept Amazon Payments, Apple Pay and Google Pay.

  • Where do you ship to?

LoveJojo ships worldwide!

  • What are your shipping costs?

Shipping is free to anywhere in the world.

  • How long will my order take to arrive?

We are currently experiencing an extremely high demand of orders. Please allow extra time for your orders to arrive. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding! Here are our current delivery estimates.  Please click here for our full shipping policy.

Destination Estimated time of delivery
United Kingdom 2 weeks
Europe 2 weeks
Rest of the world 2 weeks
  • Can I send items to an address other than my billing address?

Yes, you can send your order as a gift to somebody if you have their full shipping address.

  • What is your returns and exchange policy?

Please click to see the full returns and exchange policy here.

  • What should I do if I have a problem with my order?

If you have any queries, please kindly contact us using any of the methods on our contact page here.